Frequently Asked Questions

What information do I need to provide you with?

All we need from you are the key details that the Refund Pack asks. There are no right or wrong answers, but every bit of information, you give us, however small, may assist us to achieve the best outcome for you. Don’t worry if you can’t answer all the questions in the pack, just call one of our advisors on 0800 051 54 51 and they’ll talk you through it. Once we initiate your complaint we can obtain any further information we may need to build the strongest case to maximise your refund.

Will this claim affect my relationship with my loan company or bank?

No, The Financial Conduct Authority (formerly the Financial Services Authority) does not allow any company or financial institution to disadvantage a customer because they’ve made a complaint.

How long will my claim take?

On average it takes around 6 months. As each claim is treated on an individual basis this may vary.

What can you claim back for me?

All PPI premiums actually paid plus a write off of premiums yet to be paid. In addition we are able to claim interest at 8% on any premiums you have already paid; in many cases this will significantly increase your claim. As part of our claims process we will check for accounts with PPI for the bank you have asked us about and their associated group companies.

How much will the service cost me?

We operate on a No Win No Fee* basis and will only take a percentage of any compensation awarded to you. The fee that we take is 20% + VAT at the prevailing rate (total charge 24% incl. VAT).

If I can do this myself why would I use Brunel Franklin?

• Brunel Franklin saves you the time, effort and stress of dealing with complaint alone.

• Brunel Franklin has been dealing with financial claims since 2004.

• Brunel Franklin has the experience to pin point all the reasons for a potential mis-sold policy.

• Brunel Franklin will exhaust all potential claim avenues for you on your behalf. 

• Brunel Franklin will endeavour to make sure that the company you’re claiming against follows the FCA guidelines and time limits within the industry.

My loan is over 10 years old, can you help me?

Yes we can. Just complete the forms and return in the pre-paid envelope. It can help if you can provide copies of any paperwork as evidence, but it is not essential.

Can I still complain about the mis-sale even if I’ve made a successful claim on the insurance?

Yes. We will assess your case on its own merit once the pack is returned. Please provide a summary of the claim and any payout that you have received.

Can I claim compensation even if my loan is paid off?

Yes. If you have had previous loans, with other lenders, that you wish to claim on please call us for further application forms on 0800 051 54 51.

Where would I find my Payment Protection Insurance policy number?

You’ll find your policy number on any agreement documents or any account statements from your loan/credit card supplier. For credit card PPI claims you just need to provide us with your credit card number. If you can’t find it don’t worry, however your claim may take longer whilst we obtain the information.

I took out a loan/credit card with my partner but we’re now separated, can I still make a claim?

Yes you can still get a refund. If the loan/credit card is in joint names we would need the signatures of both yourself and your ex partner. Your ex partner would have to be willing to make a claim.

What else do I need to know?

It is your right, and we strongly advise you, to seek further advice and shop around before entering into a contract with Brunel Franklin. Once you’ve returned our documentation you will be bound by our Terms Of Engagement.

Can I opt out of marketing later?

You can opt out at any time by calling us on 0800 051 54 51, emailing us at or writing to us at the address below.

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